Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy New Year!

It is so good to be back to what sometimes gets to be feeling like the grind. My house is clean. Porter can take a regular nap. Exercising is back and of course nutritious food is being cooked. I do miss spending time with Terry, but getting things done feels great too! I have a lot of goals for myself for this next year many of which I know will make life much easier.
1- I am going to read my scriptures in spanish everyday. YEAH!! I got them out, wiped the dust off of them and got my colored pencils ready. It has been fun so far! The memories of the spiritual experiences of my mission come flooding back to me.
2- Become an ace at the organ. Actually I only wish to be able to play the hymns during sacrament meeting without making a million mistakes :)!
3- Get out of debt! Could it be possible!
4- Keep up on my blog and scrapbooking! I would say write in my journal more often, but I have decided that they are a wonderful substitute.
5- Attend the temple every month (with or without Terry). I know it sounds bad, but I don't mean it to. I want to go with him everytime, but it has become our excuse that we are to busy and it is hard to leave Porter for that long, so I have no excuses now. I hope we can go together often, but if not I am going alone!

Thanks to everyone for your comments. I love that you care about me and my family so much. I really enjoy reading about you all too!


Olivia said...

You're just too cute! Good luck with all your goals. I love reading your blog and am glad you find mine enjoyable as well.

Anonymous said...

And may I add:

6 - Start running! :o) My group has a 5K on Feb. 2. I have an entry form if you're interested!
