Saturday, December 1, 2007

Highlights of Moving In!!

1. Visiting teachers and sisters of the church in general are awesome!! It was only them and us that showed up to help us move on Tuesday. They were such troopers. They helped us move all the stuff acrossed the street to our new duplex and even started to help get stuff organized. I am so grateful for that.

2. I love new things. We have been putting Porter on the ground with no fears. If he falls over he won't crack his head open, nor will he get as dirty.

3. I can't live without the internet. We just got it installed today and it is so fast. It takes like one second to go to the next page. I haven't had internet like that ever in my home. I know that I am going to get a lot more done now.

4. I love visitors. I don't know what it is about a new home. It might be because it is so much more homey and inviting, but we have a lot more visitors now. I am so grateful for that.

5. I love to play the piano. A cousin of Terry's gave us their old piano. YEAH!! It is like an early Christmas present. It is really old and worn, but it is a treasure to me. It reminds me of that poem about the touch of the Master's hand. I've cleaned it up a little and sounds so sweet when you play Christmas music on it.

6. Terry's favorite is Space. We have so much more room than before. It is small compared to our giant dream home, but for now we are living in the lap of luxury.


Tess said...

I'm glad you found us! We too were just gifted an old piano and love it. We are in the process of refinishing it, which is kind of a fun project!

p.s. Porter is so adorable! Those big eyes kill me.

Anonymous said...

So glad you got moved in, Bethany! You'll have to post pictures of your new place.

Olivia said...

I'm glad you have the Internet. Now I'll expect many more updates.

Fern said...

Congrats on moving. It's always so stressful, but nice to see everything finally put away in it's place. Funny, the sense of accomplishment that can come from opening a drawer of freshly unpacked silverware, or hanging a picture in just the right spot.